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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

So, I was informed of a blog where on Sundays, authors post six sentences of their current work or WIP. Sounded like a great idea to me, so I have put six sentences of Shadow Guardian, book one in the shadow series, for your reading enjoyment.

He brought his lips toward mine with infinite patience. I had plenty of time to refuse, but I was done fighting, I wanted to give in and feel what it would be like to be with Roman. I wanted to feel his hands on my body, his lips on mine. I lost myself in his gaze as he drew near. My last thread of control exploded when his lips finally met mine and I gave a small sigh of defeat. Not that I minded being conquered, quite the opposite, this was pure bliss.

I hope you enjoyed the teaser, I will have excerpts up on the site soon ;-)

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